Reporting Concerns and Whistleblowing

Have you become aware of or suspect irregularities in ISGR's operations?

Members of the ISGR community can report directly to the authorities responsible in the area. For people directly employed by ISGR, there is an internal whistleblower service available.

We strive to run ISGR in a long-term and sustainable way. Therefore, we are keen that irregularities or misconduct is noticed and investigated as early as possible, through the relevant channels. Matters that qualify for Whistleblowing are violations of the law or misconduct where there is a public interest in its disclosure. All other matters, including HR issues, work environment problems, opinions on leadership, or views about changes at the school, should be expressed through other channels such as to the Parent Council, to the Principal responsible for the particular section, or via the Complaints management / “Klagomålshantering” process.

If you make a Whistleblower report, you are protected by law that applies to the reporting of misconduct when there is a public interest in its disclosure. This may, for example, concern violations of laws, EU directives or serious deficiencies in the employer's operations. Please note that you need to have a direct connection to ISGR to be covered by the protection of whistleblower legislation, for example as an employee, job seeker, former employee, intern, consultant, supplier or similar.

Act (2021:890) on the protection of persons reporting misconduct (Link to another website)

How to report an irregularity or misconduct

To report an irregularity or misconduct, you can contact one of the following authorities that are authorized to receive whistleblower reports for different sectors of society:

The Work Environment Agency
The Housing Authority
The Swedish Electrical Safety Authority
The Ecocrime Authority
The real estate agency inspection
The Financial Supervisory Authority
The Public Health Authority
The Sea and Water Authority
The Swedish Privacy Protection Authority
The inspection for strategic products
The Inspectorate for Care and Welfare
The Swedish Chemicals Agency
The Swedish Consumer Agency
The Competition Authority
The Swedish Food Agency
The Swedish Medicines Agency
The county boards
The authority for social protection and preparedness
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Mail and telephone board
Government Office
The Inspectorate of Auditors
Tax Agency
The Norwegian Forestry Agency
The Swedish Gaming Authority
The Norwegian Energy Authority
The state's agricultural agency
The Board for Accreditation and Technical Control
The Radiation Safety Authority
The Swedish Transport Agency.

See the Swedish Work Environment Authority's website (Link to another website) for a compilation of each authority's area of ​​responsibility and contact details

All citizens also have freedom of communication

Freedom of communication means that every citizen has the right to provide information on any subject to the mass media. This also applies to employees in the public sector, and some private businesses, who want to provide information that they received through their work.

The person providing the information has the right to remain anonymous and it is not permitted for the organization to investigate who is the informant or punish the person. However, there are certain restrictions on the freedom of communication according to provisions in the law.

Act (2017:151) on whistleblower protection in certain individual businesses

Employees can report via an internal whistleblower channel

For those who are employed at ISGR, there is a special whistleblower service that is managed by an external actor ( Details are provided in the ISGR Staff Handbook.