ISGR Admin Systems

SchoolSoft - Registry & Attendance:

SchoolSoft contains information about the student and contact details for parents. It is used by both sections, but only used by the Swedish section for curriculum & communication.

  • - Parents must keep their contact details up to date on SchoolSoft. These are the details used when a member of staff needs to reach you
  • - Reporting Absences: absences must be reported by parents on SchoolSoft before 8am. If your child is absent several days in a row, the absence must be reported for each day.
  • - Teachers use this system to take attendance each morning.
  • - Administration (Admissions and Finance) use SchoolSoft for parent and student information
  • - The nurse uses SchoolSoft, which is connected to the health system

Toddle - Curriculum & communication for international section:

Toddle is the school's platform for sharing teaching and learning between teachers, students and parents. 
It is the school's main communication platform as well as the access point for information including PYP newsletters, program related documents and student progress reports.
  • - PYP teachers and leadership use Toddle to communication with parents
  • - PTA information is sent out via Toddle
  • - School progress reports are accessible on Toddle