School Calendar
Below are key dates for all sections. For a more detailed calendar, please login to Toddle or Schoolsoft.
Key Dates - 2024/25 Academic Year (Fall Term)
PAL opens for “old” students - August 5th
PAL opens for new students - August 6th
Teachers starts - August 7th
PD day - PAL closed - August 12th
School starts - August 14th
PD Day (school + PAL closed) - September 17th
Fall break - October 28th to November 1st
PD Day (school closed - PAL is open) - November 13th
Christmas Break (School is closed) - December 20th to January 6th
PAL closed - December 27th to January 1st
Key Dates - 2024/25 Academic Year (Spring Term)
PD Day (school closed - PAL is open) - January 7th
School starts - January 8th
Sports Break - February 10th to February 14th
PD day (school + PAL closed) - February 17th
Easter Break - April 14th to April 21st
Holiday - May 1st
School closed - PAL is open - May 2nd
Holiday - May 29th
School and PAL closed - May 30th
Holiday - June 6th
Last day of School Göta - June 10th
Last day of School Guld - June 12th
Teachers End - June 19th
PAL closed week 28-31
Key Dates - 2025/26 Academic Year (Fall Term)
School starts - August 18th