Welcome to ISGR

ISGR is an IB (International Baccalaureate) World School offering the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme. ISGR has a Swedish section offering the Swedish national programme, years 0–9. In our National Section we offer the Swedish National Curriculum taught in Swedish but with an English profile.

The two sections provide various possibilities to cooperate, grow and develop in an intercultural context.The School is accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) for grades K-10, our PYP and MYP Programmes, and also Grades 0–9 on the Swedish National Section, which is developing its bilingual programme to provide more international opportunities for national section students and enhance opportunities for cross-team activities.

We have two campuses located centrally in Gothenburg: Guldheden houses our grades K/F-5 and Götaberg, grades 6-10. We're excited to share that we are expanding our school at Guldheden campus with additional 4000m2, welcoming students in August 2025. It will provide state of the art facilities such as 15 new classrooms, a dining hall, music rooms and a PE hall.

Together, we are one school developing a shared sense of global responsibility with common values.

ISGR has a community of students, families and staff from more than 60 nationalities, making it an international meeting place, for ideas and learning. This is reflected in our School Vision for ISGR to be a leading international educator with a community of passionate life-long learners, inspiring global citizens to embrace diversity and explore the world.

We have set three goals to help achieve our vision, which are: to have one internationally minded school culture; to produce learning for the future, and to provide differentiated learning. Our work is united by our values of Quality, Diversity and Community.

More information on our Vision, Goals & Values is available here >>

Importantly, at ISGR everyone is seen and given attention. Our students appreciate the warm and welcoming atmosphere and find it easy to make friends and feel safe - a good foundation for learning. Our students have various experiences from different schools and education systems. Meeting students' individual needs and using differentiated learning method is therefore an important strategy for our success.

With students and staff from over 60 different nationalities you will find that there is much diversity to embrace. We look forward to welcoming you to our community of global citizens in Gothenburg where you can join the life-long learning!

Annika Simonsson Bergqvist
CEO/Head of School ISGR

ISGR Brochure